Leading through Transition
We have entered a season of transition between installed pastors. Like our ancestors in faith, we journey through this wilderness trusting that God is leading us to where we need to be.
Among our many companions on this journey, we are grateful for the company Rev. Jane Winters. Jane is our liaison to the regional network of churches (the Presbytery of Geneva). Have a question about where our church is in this season of transition? Email Jane at revjanewinters@yahoo.com.
In any season, with or without an installed pastor, our session provides on-the-ground leadership.
Meet the Session
Presbyterians believe the Holy Spirit works through dialogue, discernment, and community. That is why important decisions are made by the ruling elders of our church council, the session. “Session” comes from the Latin word “to sit,” and ruling elders regularly sit together to guide our the congregation so that Hector “is and becomes a community of faith, hope, love, and witness” (Book of Order, G-3.0201).
For 2021, the ruling elders on session are:
Ruling Elder Class Email
Marie Baumgardner 2021 mariebaumgardner@gmail.com
Bobbi Beckhorn 2021 beckhornb@empacc.net
David Fitch 2022 fitchboys@aol.com
Walter Sheuer 2022 wbscheuer@aol.com
Ford Knight 2023 ford.knight@yahoo.com
Michele Gimbar 2023 windswept3934@aol.com
Roger Swartwood 2023 roger.swartwood@siemens-energy.com
Kitty Schallenberger 2023 kitty5421@gmail.com
Vicki Schamel (vickischamel@gmail.com) serves as treasurer.