We welcome all to join in any of the ministries and mission activities of our congregation.
In worship we have a chancel choir for those who love to sing. Our music director welcomes instrumentalists who would like to share their musical talents. Some of the scripture readings lend themselves to dramatic presentations – thespians are welcome to offer their talent in worship. We are always looking for liturgists to help lead parts of the service like the Call to Worship and one of the Scripture readings. Ushers are needed to help get the sanctuary ready for worship, to welcome members and visitors, to take the offering, and to close up the sanctuary after worship.
Growing in discipleship requires teachers, leaders, and helpers for our children, youth, and adults. If this is your passion contact the elder for Christian Education. Card ministry and visitation ministry to our shut-ins and hospitalized is another way to serve. If you are a prayer warrior or love to keep in touch with those who are shut-in, contact the elder for Membership. Giving our time, sharing our talents, and donating money are the ways we respond in gratitude to God’s grace and love. Our stewardship committee embraces its call to encourage members to grow as disciples of Jesus Christ.
A cursory glance over the outreach ministries of this congregation should give you a sense of the wide variety of ways we serve and love God by serving and loving our neighbors. These ministries are possible only because our volunteers. We welcome anyone who is interested in helping with any of our outreach ministries to contact the elder for social concerns.
Our church is its people. But we also have important ministries that support our mission. And we have elders responsible or these areas as well: Buildings and Grounds, Finance and Administration, Personnel.
Those with gifts for servant leadership and are members of our church can serve as elders. These are folks who discern where God is at work in our congregation and community, and help guide us to follow. Our elders meet monthly to review the past, and plan for the future.