When we baptize infants and children, the congregation promises “to guide and nurture them by word and deed, with love and prayer, encouraging them to know and follow Christ and to be faithful members of his church.” We offer several ways for our children to grow.
Worship Bags – are available for younger children to use during worship. The bags contain books, crayons and a children’s bulletin. They can be found on the special stand in the Narthex and returned there after worship. The children’s bulletin contains activities based on the Scripture of the day – families are encouraged to take the bulletin home.
Sunday school – after Children’s time during Sunday morning worship, all children from pre-school through 3rd grade are dismissed to Sunday school. Our Sunday school operates year-round and provides a kid-friendly environment to look at the same bible stories heard in worship.
Vacation Bible School – every summer our church hosts a week-long, half-day vacation bible school. Using the rotation model, kids from age 3 through 6th grade are grouped by age and experience bible learning though story-telling, crafts, music, and science. There’s also time for snack and recreation. And full group time at the beginning and end of each day’s session help to pull the whole lesson together.
Camp Whitman – our church is one of 60 that together support this summer camp, located on the western shore of Seneca Lake. Week-long programs enable children and youth to make new friends, experience living in the outdoors, gain independence, and explore their faith in a warm, caring Christian community. Camp Whitman strives to include people with diverse interests, backgrounds, and abilities in all of their programs. Acceptance and participation in the program are the same for everyone.