Growing in faith does not end when we become adults – it’s a life-long journey. Our church offers opportunities throughout the year to nurture your faith.
On Thursdays at 1 p.m., after the Office for the Aging luncheon we offer more traditional bible studies. In the fall, we use the Presbyterian Women’s nine-week study (this fall 2016, the topic is “Who Is Jesus?”). We offer another study in January after the Christmas season that examines some aspect of our faith (for example, the book “What’s the Least I Can Believe and Still Be a Christian”). The season of Lent lends itself to a five-week study on a topic related to the traditions of Lent (for example, the book “Amish Grace”). During the Easter season we offer another study, often focused on a theological topic.
Thursday evenings during parts of the year, we provide another opportunity for study combined with refreshments or dinner. Fall and spring topics have generally looked at big-picture topics like The Church and Politics, and the Intersection of Science and Religion. Summers have often focused on matters of care for creation and are open to the public.
Our men meet weekly on Wednesday mornings for breakfast at 8 am at a nearby diner, then move to our fellowship hall for a lively discussion on a topic in the news.
Check our calendar for upcoming dates, times, and topics for upcoming studies.